Easter Sunday!

Join us Sunday at 10:30am! Two thousand years ago Jesus lived and walked upon the earth. And despite the fact that he was the most powerful person in the universe, he never played the God card. He never asserted the rights that were inherently his. Instead he did something completely different, and in doing so…

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Andy Stanley on Fox Business News

Why is it that smart people with admirable life goals often end up far from where they intended to be? Why is it that so many people start out with a clear mental picture of where they want to be relationally, financially, and professionally, and yet years later find themsselves far from their desired destination?…

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Front License Plates

When I bought our truck a couple of years ago, I had quite the negotiating experience with the used-car dealer. When I finally drove off the lot, I’d paid the price I had determined to pay and not a penny more. And, do you know what they threw in for free? A nice big sticker…

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Andy Stanley on FamilyNet TV

North Point TV with Andy Stanley is a 30-minute program featuring a weekly message from Andy Stanley, the senior pastor/founder of North Point Ministries, an established author, and a gifted communicator. North Point TV begins April 5 at 10:00am on FamilyNet. Click here to learn more. .

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Who is Andy Stanley?

Have you listened to the Passion Podcast yet, where Andy talks with Louie Giglio about their long-time friendship and shared passion for leading people into a growing relationship with God? Well, if you’re not a podcast person, maybe you’ll enjoy this video. Since Andy Stanley is our primary teaching pastor at Access Church, you might…

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The Other Eyes Under the Bunk Bed

If you enjoy Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio as they teach at Access Church, you’ll enjoy this conversation over at the Passion Podcast where they discuss their long-standing friendship, their passion for the local church, and the questions they both get about Louie planting a church in Atlanta. Louie says, “I won’t spoil the whole…

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Don't Come to Church!

That’s right, don’t come to church this Sunday! Instead, go to the beach, the lake, or the golf course. That’s right, we’re encouraging you to use this time to invest in friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers who do not seem to be in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Here are some suggestions: You could…

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Jacksonville Music Project

Charlie Walker and Peter Dearing at Square One Join the Access family as we enjoy Charlie Walker and Peter Dearing at Square One in San Marco! They’ll be performing familiar covers as well as some of their original music. It’ll be a great time to hang out with other people from Access as well as…

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Just because I know there’s a lot of Chick-Fil-A fans out there reading this blog… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsJHqstPuNo] You can see more of Tim Hawkins over here..

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On Location, Part 4

What a great series this has been for our church! Our community group has had some really thought- and action-provoking discussion about what it means for us to be salt & light in our communities. We really believe we have been placed here strategically by our heavenly father with one primary purpose! This past Sunday…

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